hear from you!
Send us a message
Our contact details
- info@stepupsurf.com.au
- 0439 272 083
- 0403 144 374
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you need more information, or regarding bookings.
SurfGroms 4 Weekly Sessions Program bookings are not available online. Please call us to confirm your booking details.
Meeting Point
Step Up Surf lessons takes at Southport Beach.
Our meeting point will be:
Car Park, 126-128 Esplanade, Port Noarlunga South, SA 5167
Payment Details
Once we have confirmed your booking, please payment is due 24h before surf lesson time.
Send us the payment confirmation by email at: info@stepupsurf.com.au
- Commonwealth Bank
- BSB: 062-692
- Account Number: 3413 9111
- Reference: SUS25032024 (SUS+DayMonthYear of booking date)